Dear Family and Friends...

Welcome to our wedding website. We loved celebrating our big day with you! We are so lucky and thankful for our wonderful freinds and family and we are excited to celebrate many more events to come with you.

Meryl & Chandan


Chandan Prithiani

Born in Mumbai, Chandan had two life options, Slumdog millionaire or come to the USA and build his own wedding website. As you can tell, he chose the latter. Chandan enjoys singing karaoke and eating chinese food. Sometimes together!


Meryl Goldstein

Born and raised in New Jersey, Meryl enjoys horseback riding and summers on the shore. She loves dancing, drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes and photographing her adventures. Meryl had a great time celebrating with you on the dance floor!

We were married on

November 18, 2017!

We were married at The Pierre Hotel

Our Story

The Proposal

It all started right under Meryl's nose. Chandan told Meryl that they were invited to a wedding on a Friday afternoon at Tavern on the Green. Meryl, gullible as she is, believed him. Although... as there was no invitation, she asked many questions. Chandan refused to answer them and just told her to wear a nice dress.

Friday arrived. Meryl came directly from work where she had changed into her party attire. Arriving at Tavern on the Green, Meryl checked her workbag and told the coat checker she was here for the wedding. The coat checker didn't respond, but Meryl didn't think much of it . Making her way through the restaurant in search of Chandan and the party, she found neither. Meryl walked to the entrance where she spotted Chandan wearing a tuxedo accompanied by 2 horses (one white as used in Indian weddings, and the second chestnut, Meryl's favorite). Meryl, stunned and speechless walked towards them. Chandan, beaming, took her hands and calmly said, "Pick one." They rode up and down the Central Park bridle path, Chandan in his tux trying to stay on his horse, and Meryl trotting in her stilettos. As they ended their ride, Chandan led Meryl to The Pond where a gondola and gondolier were waiting. By this point, suspicious, Meryl began scanning Chandan's pockets and saw a box. Much to Meryl's dismay Chandan remained calm and collected. The gondolier dropped them off at Bethesda Fountain, where Chandan took Meryl to where they had their first date. There, Chandan proposed. Ecstatic Meryl said, "Yes!" But the surprises continued. Meryl's sister, Dara, friends Katherine and Justin, Push and dog Harley suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Chandan then announced to Meryl she had 2 days off from work (with her Supervisor's permission), and they would be going on a trip of her choosing. There, they decided to go to Mexico for the weekend. But more surprises were still in store.

There was dinner at the Loeb Boat House where Chandan's and Meryl's parents were waiting for a family dinner. Meryl, really into this day, wanted to continue celebrating, but first Chandan needed to go back to the apartment to change. And there waited another big surprise! Meryl opened the apartment door, and all of their friends were waiting for a catered cocktail party and to wish them well. What an unforgettable day!

The Wedding Party

Dara Goldstein - Maid of Honor - Bride's sister

Dara Goldstein

Maid of Honor
Dara has been Meryl's best big sister ever. She has always had Meryl's back and has taught Meryl everything she knows about fashion. The two have pretty much dined at all NYC restaurants together.

Pushpinder Jassal - Best Man - Groom's friend

Pushpinder (Push) Jassal

Best Man
Chandan and Push met at a bus stop after school in 1997, their friendship began over a daily 30 minute bus ride filled with endless Homer Simpson imitations, and they lived happily ever after!

Katherine Warshaw Reid - Bride's friend

Katherine Warshaw Reid

Katherine and Meryl are an adventurous team with years of laughter along the way. From 5k races in Shelter Island to skiing the mountains of Tahoe. They have even changed a tire together!

Rajan Mamtani - Groom's cousin

Rajan Mamtani

Rajan and Chandan grew up together. Over time, the two cousins had invented their own imaginary games and mastered computer games like Sim City & Rome Total War! They still play those games when no one is looking.

Veena Prithiani - Groom's sister

Veena Prithiani

Veena, the groom's sister, is Meryl's newly acquired family! Veena has been teaching Meryl how to spicen up her food choices!

Shahzeb Khan - Groom's brother in law

Shahzeb "I like it!" Khan

Shahzeb aka Shaz is the coolest brother in law! Shaz and Chandan share a love for sufi desi (Indian) music and bollywood flicks.

Rinku Prithiani - Groom's sister

Rinku Prithiani

Rinku, Chandan's sister, is also Meryl's newly acquired family! Rinku and Meryl enjoy sharing stories and swapping photos of Harley, Meryl and Chandan's dog.

Sahil Mamtani - Groom's cousin

Sahil Mamtani

Chandan's cousin Sahil has been the lovable lil' bro of the family since day one. He is often the first to be picked on as he was on the family's kids "news broadcast", The Cheap Times.

Arielle Bakhash - Bride's friend

Arielle Bakhash

Arielle and Meryl have been friends since they were sharing baby clothes. They have danced together, played Barbie together and are experts at living room play performances.

Praveen Mamtani - Groom's cousin

Praveen Mamtani

Praveen, the groom's cousin, has taught Chandan all the mischeviousness possible to imprint on an innocent child's brain. He has watched out for Chandan like a good brother.

Danielle Cohn - Bride's friend

Danielle Cohn

Danielle and Meryl have been friends since childhood. From carpooling to dance class as kids to sharing the soprano section of their high school choir, these two have always been there for each other.

Deep Ajmani - Groom's ccousin

Deep Ajmani

As a member of the groom's family and with a doctorate in medicine, Deep has often advised the groom to fight illnesses with whiskey and gin. Illnesses like colds and basically... life. The man is deep.

Stephanie Mason - Bride's friend

Stephanie Mason

Stephanie and Meryl began their friendship in the halls of Union College. They've been roomates, have shared houses and a whole lot of sarcasm.

Jason Nieves - Groom's friend

Jason Nieves

Jason and the groom met on the Queens Village LIRR and are known as "train buddies". Jason has been there for Chandan through thick and thin... like 92% of the time.